

「IDystopia 2035 數位身分大冒險」計畫預想了 15 年後的時空,對數位身分的各種疑慮未消,政府以智慧政府為名推行了數位身分認證系統,建基數位治理架構。短短數年,身分數據樣態深入而安靜的影響了人生。

2035 年的新生代公民開始爬梳數位化行政體系的脈絡,公民在有如遊戲般場景過關:「身分」與「人」得以分離,身分可以乖巧順服,也可能被偷竊,甚至身分可能背叛人身。身分與人之間的關係,有了長足的空間,編碼、認證、生物特徵、基因,都可能是需要證實「我就是我」的關卡。

(註1. 引自李士傑於 2001 年提出的 Piragene 計畫書

DNA is the key to life. it can open the door to a human individual, community, and even the history of the whole humanity. Identity is a key in our real life. It opens the door to social life, medical, banking, and public services, as well as direct and representative democracy.

"IDystopia 2035" imagines our world in 2035. Despite unresolved controversies, the Government managed to push forward digital identification as part of a smart governance infrastructure. Within a few years, identity data creeped into every corners of our daily lives.

In this game, a new generation of citizens begins to sift through all the changes in the past decades that led to the smart government of 2035. Citizens experience the various relationships between themselves and their virtual selves. Identity is separable from the person - identity can be tame and obidient, identify can also be stolen, identity can also betray the person. There is a wide range of relationships between an identity and a person - You must prove who you are with or against various informational displacement: encoding, verification, biometric data, genetic data, etc.
With a game, an installation and a forum, this project calls for the free man of all times to reflect on the relationship between identity and a person.

ipa, shunling

關於 g0v 零時政府社群

2012 年以來,公民黑客運動風起雲湧。以開放透明、公民參與為號召的 g0v 台灣零時政府社群在 2012 年底號召了第一場活動「第零次動員戡亂黑客松」,以「寫程式改造社會」為口號,從此公民黑客之火開始延燒,至今未歇。


在這場開放資料、開放政府的運動中,g0v 社群也開創出台灣公民社會與政府、各領域互動的新模式。2015年,g0v 社群也曾以「零時藝術」專案團隊,參與台北藝術節。

至今社群以多個治理團隊舉辦41場大型黑客松上百場小型聚會,2020年底將展開第4次 g0v 國際雙年會。

(g0v pronouced as “gov-zero”)

Since 2012, the civic hacking movement has been sweeping across the globe. g0v, a community that advocates open source, information transparenc, and civic participation, launched its first event “hackath0n” at the end of 2012 with the slogan “Code to refactor society.” The movement of civic hacking has continued ever since.

Over the past 8 years, thousands of participants have joined g0v hackathons and created tools and platforms that promote open data and open government. Many g0vers have created these tools to reduce the digital divide and facilitate access to public information for everyone, so that awareness of public affairs can be raised, and that deliberation and decision-making can be fact-bassed.

In this global movement of open data and open government, g0v community has created a new model for the citizens and government officials to interact, communicate, and collaborate together.

關於 g0v IDystopia 2035 團隊



但在獲得與失去之間,人的自由在「身分 vs. 意識」「游離 vs. 穩定」「外殼 vs. 內裡」(ghost vs. shell)的各種辯證中,社群試圖還原各種辨識自由、爭取自由、獲得自由的意志與力量。


(文: ipa)


坑主:高嘉良 clkao | 瞿筱葳 ipa
計畫論述:瞿筱葳 ipa | 陳舜伶 slc | 侯宜秀 Isabel Hou
遊戲設計開發:高嘉良 clkao | 陳韋翰 stimim | 高任翔 sean | 鄒興德 zou xingde | 劉宇庭 yutin
展場概念發想:邱薏璇 yi | g0v 黑客松眾多貢獻者
展場設計:陳佳暖 JiaNuan Chen | 陳怡孜 Yitzu Chen
視覺設計:VV | stella | 阿奇
論壇設計:陳舜伶 slc
網站:高任翔 sean
