Amis Moedict (阿美語萌典) @wildjcrt (g0v slack)

’Amis/Pangcah Dictionary, an online ’Amis to Chinese / English / French dictionary, was established with the power of citizens to preserve the once considered soon-to-disappear indigenous language.

In Taiwan, there are 16 different indigenous nations. Though their languages never developed into writing system, detailed records have been made with the efforts of missionaries and cultural heritage inheritors.

The ’Amis/Pangcah Dictionary is the first example of an digitized, online indigenous language dictionary. We hope that others can develop their own online dictionaries, too.

Legislator Voting Guide (投票指南) @johnny (g0v slack)

We would like to know what they did, not what they says which is pie in the sky.

This is what we finally present to citizen, including their standpoints, voting record, bills, attendance record, political contributions and personal property of the candidates.

No paternalism, we don’t grade candidates, we are not giving advice who you should vote, everyone can evaluate by their own, we're walking on the path from electoral bulletin to next goal in Taiwan.

Cofacts (真的假的) @mrorz (g0v slack)

Cofacts is a collaborative system connecting instant messages and fact-check reports together. It’s a grass-root effort fighting mis/disinformation in Taiwan.

To be more specific,

Collaborative system: Anyone can forward messages to Cofacts. Furthermore, anyone can become an editor to collaborate on the website. All works is distributed via CC0 License.

Instant messages: User-reported instant messages in LINE messaging network, collected via a chatbot

Fact-check reports: Existing fact-checking articles the editors found on the internet, or replies written by the editors.

Campaign Finance Crowdsourcing (政治獻金數位化) @ronnywang (g0v slack)

In Taiwan, politician campaign finance data is only available in paper format. To open the data, this project conducted captcha-like game to crowdsourcing OCR on 2637 pages of Control Yuan's non-digitized version of political contributions data.

Total 309k entries are translated into organized data and web API within 24 hours.

g0v Air Quality Monitor (g0v 零時空汙觀測網) @asper_hsu (g0v slack)

The integration of all air pollution monitoring station observations with various sources of emissions data for visualization on the map that is real-time dynamic tracking..

HackFoldr 2.0 @irvinetblue (g0v slack)

Hackfoldr is hacking briefcase. It is a tool developed to organize documents, websites, and online materials on one interface with a unified url.

Users can set up and manage a hackfoldr simply by editing a Google spreadsheet. Hackfoldr has been used to manage hackathon projects, to provide a collaborative space for government agencies, and to serve as an information hub for events such as the Sunflower Movement and the Umbrella Revolution, among many others.

HackFoldr 2.0 @irvinetblue (g0v slack)

Hackfoldr is hacking briefcase. It is a tool developed to organize documents, websites, and online materials on one interface with a unified url.

Users can set up and manage a hackfoldr simply by editing a Google spreadsheet. Hackfoldr has been used to manage hackathon projects, to provide a collaborative space for government agencies, and to serve as an information hub for events such as the Sunflower Movement and the Umbrella Revolution, among many others.

Moedict (萌典) @au (g0v slack)

As an improved version of Ministry of Education's online Dictionary at the beginning, Moedict has become the most popular online dictionary with million pages views per month and 100k mobile app users.

It now includes Mandarin / Taiwanese / Hakka / English / French / Germany languages and information like character stroke order and pronunciation.

National Treasures (遺落在世界的國家寶藏) @hsiao-a (g0v slack)

Taiwan National Treasures' uses crowdsourcing and gamification to digitize image files from historical archives. The project looks to open up some closed Taiwanese archives once kept away in overseas archives.

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